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Put the spring back in your step with TerraVit Plus

Put the spring back in your step with TerraVit Plus

After months of scientific research, Thrivosity is excited to announce the addition of TerraVIT PLUS to its growing range of health products. TerraVIT PLUS is a revolutionary fusion of multi-minerals, vitamins, probiotics, and bioflavonoids, specifically designed to keep your body in peak condition so you get the best out of life. Before delving into the details, we provide a bit of background.

womens teal dress in the wind
Healthy living


When the medical fraternity, in the late 1800s and early 1900s, distinguished that some diseases were not caused by infections or toxins but by vitamin deficiencies, it generated the start of much controversy, discussion and debate over the use of vitamin and multi-mineral supplements. Are they really necessary? Are they good for you? Are they bad?

No one can deny the indispensable role that vitamins and minerals play in the body. They are essential nutrients that are vital for a healthy constitution. They assist in the production of skin, muscle and bone, and in the transmission of blood carrying nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body. They also assist in transferring nerve signals, helping to send chemical messages from one organ to another to sustain life.

Many people claim that the best way to obtain sufficient vitamins and minerals is through a healthy diet, but that belief is not one hundred percent correct. It is very doubtful that you would be able to achieve the required, perfect percentage from your diet alone. Why do we say this?

The sorry state of our fresh food products

Recent studies reveal that the fruit and vegetables produced today are seriously deficient in minerals and vitamins. For you to obtain the full complement of these precious elements from the food you consume, you would need to have a perfect balance between your diet, exercise, sleep and water intake.

watermelon and pineapple on the beach
Healthy fruit

To ascertain the perfect percentage in your diet, you would need to determine how healthy the soil was in which the fruit and vegetables were grown, if the water was contaminated or not, and how the animals were reared, if your diet includes animal protein. Add to this mix your busy lifestyle and time constraints that often have you turning to ready made meals and fast food, generally regarded as being ‘not so healthy’.

The mineral and vitamin deficiencies are a multifactorial problem that, were they ever resolved, would entirely reshape our agricultural processes, crop production, food distribution, food handling and food preparation.

One of our biggest problems is that everything revolves around food safety rather than food nutrition. No fast-food chain, convenience store or food outlet wants to be sued because it was the cause of a disease outbreak, so everything is aimed at sterility rather than nutrition and our own human health.

To compound matters, we have been taught that all bacteria are bad and must be eliminated. But, without bacteria in and around us, we would die. Without the normal flora in our digestive system our lungs, our immune system would not function properly. In the context of health, flora refers to the microorganisms (bacteria, yeast and other fungi) that exist on or within the human body, such as the gut flora or the skin flora. There is a positive correlation between a healthy, functioning gut and the flora in the small intestine.

In addition, more and more scientific studies show a symbiotic relationship between a healthy functioning gut and mental health.

women smilling
Happy and healthy living

What makes TerraVIT PLUS unique?

Knowing and understanding the background of soil health and agricultural products, we at Thrivosity put our collective heads together and formulated TerraVIT PLUS to counteract the negative effects of our food production systems and our hectic lifestyles.

All the minerals in TerraVIT PLUS are chelated, which means they have been coated with an amino acid to make them readily bioavailable. For comprehensive information on the chelated minerals visit the TerraVIT PLUS brochure under the Scientific Resources Section of the Thrivosity website.

In addition to the minerals, TerraVIT PLUS contains the full complement of vitamins our bodies need to function optimally.

Apart from the addition of chelated minerals, in itself a huge point of differentiation between TerraVIT PLUS and other multi-minerals and vitamin products, we have included bioflavonoids and nine strains of probiotic bacteria.

The bioflavonoids are a select citrus extract with four specific main components, all of which play a positive role in human health and wellness. The nine strains of probiotic bacteria are specially formulated to enhance gut health and the positive aspects of a healthy digestive system. This puts TerraVIT PLUS head and shoulders above many other supplements.

The formulation of TerraVIT PLUS is exclusive and is aimed at enhancing the overall wellness of everyone, especially when life happens. TerraVIT Plus is especially recommended for those who don’t always have the time to exercise, eat healthily, get enough sleep, resist overindulging, and to do everything that is considered ‘right’ to maintain a healthy body.

Our Thrivosity products are formulated to mitigate the negative consequences of our lifestyles, especially the food production systems which, believe me, are far from being under control.

If, through our unique range of products, we can improve one person’s wellness and wellbeing, we have achieved our goal. But, we aim to improve the lives of many more…